~> ssh service@xinu.me
 __  _(_)_ __  _   _    _ __ ___   ___ 
 \ \/ / | '_ \| | | |  | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
  >  <| | | | | |_| | _| | | | | |  __/
 /_/\_\_|_| |_|\__,_|(_)_| |_| |_|\___|

  - Be kind and don't hack the Gibson.


 Here you can create a user for the pubnix.

...but first, you have to answer this:

Provide the first, second, and sixth characters from C-Z-L-J-Z-C
Cool! You can continue! :D

Commands: answer help new-account quit
> new-account

Here you will be asked for your username, full name and your ssh public key.

Generate your public key with this command:
> ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/xinu

Copy the contents of the file  ~/.ssh/xinu.pub so you can paste it later when needed.

Please, answer this questions with your data:
Login: manolo
Full name: Manolo Exposito
SSH Public Key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1ZZZtopTE5AAAAJZfIeej3FVrfwsfelwkYjZN8klzhmclmQ+CZPH8HpXTu user@mordor

Now you can login with your username and your SSH Key like this:

ssh -i .ssh/xinu manolo@xinu.me

Connection to xinu.me closed.